Search queries for both ultra gay and gay seal began rising rapidly in. 7 mystical emeralds with unlimited power. Homophobic Seal (also known as Gay Seal) is a webcomic character that is. The Stones can wipe out entire biospheres, control the minds of life forms, and more. It will be published if it complies with the content rules and our moderators approve it. Your meme was successfully uploaded and it is now in moderation. Memedroid: the best site to see, rate and share funny memes. Only a being or beings of immense power can wield one. Enjoy the meme Ultra gay uploaded by MEGABOB777. Stones of nearly mushroomer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!unimaginable power created at the beginning of the universe from the residue of six pre-universal singularities. On March 6th, an article for 'Ultra Hella Gay Gru Generation XI' was uploaded to the Joke-Battles Wikia. Only a being or beings of immense power can wield one. On January 30th, 2018, DeviantArtist 4 TheDukeOfLuke submitted a deep fried meme titled 'gru vs the hella gay army,' featuring Gru alongside series 'Ugandan Knuckles': avatars (shown below). A tool for reviewing terms and their definitions NOOOOOT FUUUUUNNY!!!!!! an evil abomination worse than sonic boomħ mystical emeralds with unlimited power Stones of nearly unimaginable power created at the beginning of the universe from the residue of six pre-universal singularities.